
Monday, April 21, 2014

Best Wishes over the Holiday Season

I hope everyone had a great Christmas, Hanukkah or whatever holiday you celebrate. It is a great time to get together with your family and other people who are important to you and to remember the reason why we are all here.

I had a wonderful time getting together with my family in Boston for the holidays. The only minor disappointment was we spent a few days in Vermont and there was literally no snow - so no skiing unfortunately.

I am pretty excited. I got a MAC laptop for Christmas and feel like I am back in kindergarten learning how to scroll and select data. I also got the Mac version of Office so that should be interesting. I will let you know how this goes.
The Mac laptop has some great features that I am looking forward to playing with. Luckily I have my daughter as the resident Mac guru. It seems that with this I am reverting back to shortcut keys to do everything. The command key is constantly in use. When I tweeted about my laptop and commented about learning how to right-click, I had a couple of people tweet me back to see how to do it. 
To right-click on a Mac laptop, put two fingers - your index and forefinger -slightly apart on the track pad area and then press down with your forefinger.

Year End is almost upon us. Yikes! Enjoy the rest of the week.
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Sunday, April 20, 2014

How to get Author details from Track Changes using VBA

Word VBA - extract Revision Author information

If you want to know the details of track revisions, for example, Author name etc the following code will help you:

Sub Get_TrackRevision_Author()

Dim oRev As Revision
Dim oRange As Range

Change the line below to suit your needs
Set oRange = Selection.Range

Coded by Shasur for

For Each oRev In oRange.Revisions
MsgBox oRev.Range.Text & " " & oRev.Author
Next oRev

End Sub

The following code provides you more information (like if the comment is inserted / deleted)

If oRev.Type = wdRevisionDelete Then
MsgBox oRev.Range.Text & " deleted by " & oRev.Author
ElseIf oRev.Type = wdRevisionInsert Then
MsgBox oRev.Range.Text & " added by " & oRev.Author
MsgBox oRev.Range.Text & " " & oRev.Author
End If

If you want to know Date of Revision using VBA then the following can be added

MsgBox oRev.Range.Text & " " & oRev.Author & " " & oRev.Date
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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Excel Tip Range Names

Range Names as Absolutes

I decided to talk about Range Names today since my blog of yesterday was on absolute cell references. Whenever you name a cell, Excel treats it as an absolute cell reference. So, lets talk about this a bit and see why it can be extremely useful to give a cell or a range of cells a name.
  • First, you can use range names in formulas. =Sum(expenses) is a lot more explanatory as well as easier to remember than =sum(F15.F36). This can be very useful in those budget spreadsheets that you use a couple of times a year and have trouble remembering what things are.

  • You can use range names to navigate around a workbook as a range name can only be used once in a book. Select the range name and Excel will automatically hop you over to the cell or range of cells that you named - even if they are on a different sheet.

  • You can use a range name in a print area so if you are printing different sections of the same file every month it would be easier to remember a range name than cell references.

Okay- you get the idea. I personally like to use range names in Vlookups and other functions where I need to refer to a table - particularly if I am going to copy that function down. Why? Because range names are absolute cell references and if I incorporate the range name into the Vlookup, I dont have to worry about making sure that the cell references are absolutes cell references - it does it automatically!! Honest....

So, now that I have convinced you of your need to know about range names, let me tell you how to create one. There are a couple of ways but this works in all Excel versions and frankly it is the easiest way to do it so I wont bore you with the other ways.

  1. Select the cell or range of cells that you want to name.

  2. Click the Name box, located at the left end of the formula bar, just above Column A .

  3. Type in the name that you want to use.

  4. Press the ENTER key.

I told you it was easy!

Okay.. now for the rules...
Names can be up to 255 characters but most people keep them very short so that it is easy to remember and easy to type.
Range names cannot begin with a number ( 2008 Sales is wont work but Y2008_Sales would )
Range names cannot contain any spaces. (You can use underscores though)

  • Careful- in Excel 2007, some range names such as Tax08 won’t be valid range names as it is considered a cell address due to the size of the 2007 Excel spreadsheet!

Okay- last thing... if you want to select the Range Name simply click the drop down arrow beside the Name box.
If you want to see the range names or use them in a formula, click the F3 key to provide a list of them. (In Excel 2007, you can also use the Name Manager found on the Formula Ribbon).

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Friday, April 18, 2014

Using SUMPRODUCT to count

Lets look at the example below,

In column C dates and column D the error happened on the day with possible multiple entries.


The requirement is to calculate the number of times error5 occurred after 5/5/2012 and before 5/15/2012. (answer is 5).


Lets put the two dates in A1 and A2. The formula will be 

If you do not want enter dates in cells the formula will be 

Love to have your comments....

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

The remote server returned an error 407 Proxy Authentication Required

One of our clients reported that they could not access a certain web page from another domain as they were getting the Proxy Authentication error even though they had entered the domain name, user name and password correctly for the proxy setting. The code handling proxy is shown below:

Code Snippet
  1. Imports System.Configuration
  2. Imports System.IO
  3. Imports System.Net
  4. Imports System.Text
  6. Public Class Form1
  8.     Dim InstallerSite As String
  9.     Dim UploadFile As String
  11.     Dim MyProxy As New WebProxy
  12.     Dim ProxyPresent As Boolean
  14.     Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
  16.         InitializeGlobals()
  17.         txtResult.Text = GetFile()
  19.     End Sub
  21.     Private Sub InitializeGlobals()
  23.         InstallerSite = CType(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("InstallerSite"), String)
  24.         UploadFile = CType(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("UploadFile"), String)
  26.         ' Case for when a Proxy is present.
  27.         ProxyPresent = CType(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ProxyPresent"), Boolean)
  28.         Dim ProxyUrl As String = CType(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ProxyUrl"), String)
  29.         Dim ProxyDomain As String = CType(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ProxyDomain"), String)
  30.         Dim ProxyUserName As String = CType(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ProxyUserName"), String)
  31.         Dim ProxyPassword As String = CType(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ProxyPassword"), String)
  32.         Dim credentials As New System.Net.NetworkCredential(ProxyUserName, ProxyPassword, ProxyDomain)
  33.         MyProxy.Address = New Uri(ProxyUrl)
  34.         MyProxy.Credentials = credentials
  36.     End Sub
  39.     Private Function GetFile() As String
  41.         Dim result As String = String.Empty
  43.         Try
  45.             Dim request As HttpWebRequest
  46.             Dim response As HttpWebResponse
  48.             request = WebRequest.Create(InstallerSite & UploadFile)
  50.             If ProxyPresent = True Then
  51.                 request.Proxy = MyProxy
  52.             End If
  54.             response = request.GetResponse()
  55.             Dim responseStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
  57.             Dim buffer(10) As Byte
  58.             Dim bytesToRead As Integer = CInt(buffer.Length)
  59.             Dim bytesRead As Integer = 0
  60.             While bytesToRead > 0
  61.                 Dim i As Integer = responseStream.Read(buffer, bytesRead, bytesToRead)
  62.                 If i = 0 Then
  63.                     Exit While
  64.                 End If
  65.                 bytesRead += i
  66.                 bytesToRead -= i
  67.             End While
  69.             result = Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(buffer)
  71.         Catch ex As Exception
  73.             result = ex.Message
  75.         End Try
  77.         Return result
  79.     End Function
  81. End Class

It turned out they needed to enter the IP address for their proxy domain not just the domain name.
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Sort Columns of the Table using Word VBA

Sort Word Table columns using Word VBA

The following function uses Selection.Sort, you can try alternative methods if selection is not possible / permissible

Function SortTable()


Selection.Sort(ExcludeHeader:=True, FieldNumber:="Column 1", SortFieldType _

:=wdSortFieldAlphanumeric, SortOrder:=wdSortOrderAscending, FieldNumber2 _

:="", SortFieldType2:=wdSortFieldAlphanumeric, SortOrder2:= _

wdSortOrderAscending, FieldNumber3:="", SortFieldType3:= _

wdSortFieldAlphanumeric, SortOrder3:=wdSortOrderAscending, Separator:= _

wdSortSeparateByTabs, SortColumn:=False, CaseSensitive:=False, LanguageID _


Selection.MoveRight(Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1)

End Function

The above uses as three column table. Please customize it for your use

See also:

How to use .Net Array.Sort Function in VBA

Case in-sensitive comparison

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Move Site between WordPress Blogger

Move your site between WordPress and Blogger

New bloggers are often confused about choosing the right platform for blogging. Most of them choose either WordPress or Blogger to start blogging. But after few months or years, depending on your requirements you may think to switch your platform. Both WordPress and Blogger let you move the site easily. And they support each other! 

You Should Know -

  • All of your posts will be moved with comments and images.
  • No data will be deleted from your current site unless you delete it. 
  • You can back up your site as XML file.
  • Images will be stored by server URL.
  • However you will lose your SEO score or rank.

The transfer procedure is almost similar both in Blogger and WordPress. 

Blogger to WordPress

This is the most common situation. Most of the new bloggers start writing on Blogger. When they need more resources, they shift their sites to WordPress. In fact, when a blogger becomes professional, he usually moves the site to WordPress. 

If you would like to move your site from Blogger to WordPress, then youve to back up your site first. Then upload the file to your WordPress site. Follow the steps below: 

Back up your Blogger Site

  1. Sign in to your blogger account and go to the dashboard or control panel.
  2. Choose the settings option from the left pane and select other.
  3. Now hit on the Export Blog button from Blog Tools. 
  4. Download Blog > Save it as XML Document in your hard disk.
Now you can keep this XML file in your hard disk. Later you can use it anywhere. Learn more . . . 

Upload the file to WordPress

Now youve to upload the XML file to your WordPress site. First you have to access your WordPress Sites Admin Panel. Make sure youre signed in to your WordPress account. Now go to your site. And follow the steps below:

  1. This URL- - will give you the direct access to your sites dashboard. Just replace the word with yours. 
  2. From the left pane, go to Tools > Import > Blogger. Or you can directly go there - - Just replce the word . 
  3. Now hit on the Choose File button and select the XML file that youve stored earlier. 
  4. Now hit on the Upload File and Import. Import procedure will be started. This may take some time. 
Import and Export Tools in WordPress Admin Panel

WordPress to Blogger

Now Im gonna show the opposite work. Actually it doesnt happen normally. Only few bloggers leave WordPress. Sometimes new bloggers choose WordPress to start blogging. Later they find the platform difficult in compare to blogger. 

Its very simple. Just do the reverse work! 

Back up your WordPress Site

  1. Go to the WordPress Control Panel -
  2. Then go to Tools > Export > Export Option > Export > Choose What to Export > All Content > Download Export File > Save as XML Document > Done! 

Back Up WordPress Site as XML

Store the file in your hard disk to upload anywhere in the futuer. 

Upload the File to Blogger

Now its time to upload your WordPress XML file to Blogger. Make sure youre signed in to your blogger account. And follow the steps below: 
  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard/ Control Panel.
  2. Go to Settings > Other > Blog Tools > Import Blog > Choose File > Select WordPress XML Document > Type Captcha properly > Import Blog > Done!

Restore XML Document into Blogger Blog

Even if you dont move your site, always back it up at a regular interval. Any time you may lose your email account which is associated with your site. And thus your site could be hacked! So back up your site at least once in a quarter. So that you can restore it in a new site. 

Stay with Marks PC Solution to get more interesting IT topics!

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Constants fixed length strings arrays user defined types and Declare statements not allowed as Public members of object modules

Declaring the following in a Userform is one possible cause for the error:

Declare Function apiFindWindow Lib "User32" Alias "FindWindowA" _

(ByVal lpclassname As Any, ByVal lpCaption As Any) As Long

DLL procedures declared in standard modules are public by default and can
be called from anywhere in your application. DLL procedures declared in any
other type of module are private to that module, and you must identify them
as such by preceding the declaration with the Private keyword. Hence

Private Declare Function apiFindWindow Lib "User32" Alias "FindWindowA" _

(ByVal lpclassname As Any, ByVal lpCaption As Any) As Long

Should solve the problem

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Add Control To PopupMenu

Add Control To PopupMenu

Use this function to add the control to the popup menu

Function Add_Control_To_PopupMenu(ByVal sControlName As String, ByVal sMacroName As String)

On Error GoTo DisplayErr

Dim ctlCB As CommandBar
Dim ctlMenu As CommandBarControl
Dim ctlCommand As CommandBarControl

Set ctlCB = Application.CommandBars("Cell")

If ctlCB Is Nothing Then Exit Function

Set ctlCommand = ctlCB.Controls.Add
ctlCommand.Caption = sControlName
ctlCommand.OnAction = sMacroName

If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Description
End If

Creating Custom Office Menus and Toolbars, Programming Microsoft Office Command Bars, CommandBars Property, Creating an Excel Add-in, Disable command bars and controls, Change the availability for the CommandBars using VBA, Delete/ hide a custom command bar

End Function
Sub Call_Add_Control_To_PopupMenu()

Written By Shanmuga Sundara Raman for

Add_Control_To_PopupMenu "Sample", "Donot_Fire_Events"

End Sub

Add a new menu item to the Popup menu, Adding Menu Items, Add Command to Popup menu, , Dynamic Addition of command to Popup menu. Adding Command Button to Popup, Adding to Popup menu
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Maximum Limit of Rows Columns etc in Excel

How BIG is Excel 2007 and 2010

If you have worked on a large set of data from a non-Excel data source, for example, MS ACCESS, there are chances that you would have stored that in multiple sheets.

This riducules the data management. Now in Excel 2007 and above you have a big Excel workbook with 16384 columns and 10,48,576 rows

Following table gives you how big Excel has grown :)

Excel 2003

Excel 2007 and above

Maximum No of Rows



Maximum No of Columns



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Sunday, April 13, 2014

How to increase your laptop batterys life

There is no matter, laptop manufactures gives you the guarantee about the battery that how long it works. The battery of laptop always stops working very early at some stage in essential research, just like when you are watching a DVD movie.

Follow the few steps to increase the laptop batterys life:

Lower the backlighting on your screen.
The screen of your Laptop takes up significant amount of power and you do not require its maximum brightness. You should have to check your system and decrease the screen brightness it to a comfortable point.

Stop your wireless signal when you are not using.
After turning off your Laptop can save max. 20 minutes of your laptops battery time because WiFi can use a considerable quantity of power. By right clicking you can stop your WiFi signal when you are not using.

Manage the correct power scheme in XP
Windows XP contain a number of predetermined power plans, which control settings like how rapidly your laptop turns off and when your screen saver boots in. You can change your laptop power scheme by choosing Control Panel > Power Options. For max. Battery life from the "Power scheme" chooses the option "Max. Battery" and decline the list. There are good choices for you just like "Low Power Mode" and Portable /Laptop. They dont conserve as much power as Max Battery. After selecting a power scheme you click Ok button to finish the process.
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How to Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal using VBA

How to Convert Decimal to Octal using VBA

Sub Get_Hex_n_OCt_Values()

For i = 0 To 255

Debug.Print i & vbTab & Hex(i) & vbTab & Oct(i)

Next i

End Sub

VBA Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion
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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Excel Pivot Tables

Pivot tables are small databases that tend to add functionality to your data.Constructing a pivot table is easy and using it is more easy
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Friday, April 11, 2014

How to avoid BLANKS errors in CHARTS


Able to use/create charts in Excel. Know how to use "ISERROR" formula. Please refer to Microsoft help for Syntax.

Possible Usage

To reflect a clean and accurate in formation in charts.

For example, refer to the table below.


If we plot Reject Percentage Vs Date we will get,


First the chart is not accurate as there was no production in certain days and reject rate cannot be considered "Zero".
Second the chart is not tidy. 

The steps (How to do)

1. type =IF(ISERROR(C2/B2)=TRUE,#N/A,C2/B2) in D2

2. Drag or Copy/Paste all the necessary cells


3. We will get a clean and accurate chart



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How to Measure the Rank of a Website

The ranking of a website depends on several factors. It depends on Google Page Rank (known as PR), Alexa Traffic Rank, Complete Rank and so many. And to check the ranking status, there are thousands of extension available for internet browsers.

My personal choice for this purpose is Web Rank Toolbar. Today I am gonna show you how to install this toolbar on Firefox and Google Chrome.

Follow the steps below:

  1. First, make sure you are using Google Chrome or Firefox.
  2. If you are a chrome user then click here. And Firefox users can use this link.
  3. Chrome users will get several toolbars with Web Rank SEO. You can choose either the first one or any other toolbar as you like and then hit on Add to Chrome. And Firefox users should click on Add to Firefox button
  4. Then click on install. Firefox should be restarted. But chrome doesnt need to be restarted. 
  5. Now you are almost done. Chrome users must see this like an icon at the upper right corner. And Firefox users will get it like a horizontal bar. 

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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Evaluating Formulas

In the past, whenever I have talked about debugging or evaluating a formula, I have always talked about the Evaluate Formula icon found on the Formula ribbon
It is very useful as it allows you to break apart complex formulas step by step. Click Evaluate to examine the value of the reference that is underlined. The result of that evaluation is shown in italics.

If the underlined part of the formula is a reference to another formula, click Step In to display the other formula in the Evaluation box. Click Step Out to go back to the previous cell and formula.  And then just keep going until you have worked your way through the entire formula.

If it is a long complex formula, I still think this is the best method but I learned a quicker method the other day on Chandoos site and I think it is really useful if you are in a hurry or the formula is relatively short.
( If it is a long complex formula, I think it is easier to see the breakdown in the Evaluate Formula dialog box. - just my personal preference.)

 All you need to do is double-click on the formula, select the component that you want to evaluate and press F9. If you have additional formulas, select them and press F9 again. When you are done, press ESC to get out.

Two ways to do the same thing... and yes, if we look around, we will probably find a 3rd method too. Have a good day.
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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Smashing your PC only way to prevent data theft by fraudsters

Thu, Jan 8 02:10 PM

London, Jan 8 (ANI): The safest way to stop fraudsters stealing information from old computer hard drives is to "destroy the PC with a hammer", a consumer magazine has said.

The computing magazine Which? recovered 22,000 "deleted" files from eight computers purchased on eBay.

They then used specialist software to recover files that the original owner had deleted, reports the Daily Express.

Sarah Kidner, editor of Which? Computing, warned that the risk of becoming a victim was increasing.

"Even if you delete your files, youd be surprised how easy it is to recover your personal data. Such information could bring identity thieves a hefty payday.

"It sounds extreme, but the only way to be 100 percent safe is to smash your hard drive into smithereens," she said. (ANI)

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Firefox 3 Its Almost Ready

For the past couple of weeks, news about Firefox 3 has been spreading like wildfire all over the Web. Users have been desperately trying to figure out when it will be released and more importantly, how much longer theyll have to wait. Several posts have been made on WorldStarts message board about it as well and since it seems like so many of you are invested in the new version of the popular Web browser, I thought Id give you a little update of my own. Check it out!

From what I can see, it looks like the final version of Firefox 3 will be released very soon. On April 2, 2008 (just this past Wednesday), Firefox 3 Beta 5 was released and it sounds like it will be the last one before the full version makes its debut. Of course, the beta versions are meant for testing purposes only, but with five betas under their belt, it looks as if Mozilla is almost ready for the launch. According to a Reuters report, "Mozillas development team has deemed the newest version of their very popular browser all but fit for mass consumption." Sounds promising to me!

Although a final release date has not been scheduled yet, there are rumors going around that the full version should be ready sometime in the second quarter of 2008. Mozilla just needs a little more time for further testing and to perfect it for all of you avid users out there. It sounds like the Beta 5 will focus mostly on the visual aspects of the browser, as well as, stability and security. So, dont fret! Firefox 3 is almost ready and it will be here soon. And I promise, it will be well worth your wait!
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Monday, March 31, 2014

Pepsi Video Online

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Yeti USB Mic Is The Worlds First THX Certified Microphone

Yeti USB Mic Is
At $150, Blue Microphones new THX certified Yeti might not be the best investment for something as simple as Skype, but if you are doing podcasts, music recordings, or old-timey variety shows, it might be worth the extra cash.

Apparently, the Yeti is the first microphone to earn a THX certified distinction—something Blue Microphone views as a validation of its "incredibly low distortion, high fidelity, and balanced frequency response." Features include: a triple capsule array that allows you to record in stereo, cardioid, omnidirectional, and bidirectional, an analog to digital converter and a built-in headphone amp for zero-latency monitoring. And the whole thing is ready to plug in to a USB port and use on your PC or Mac right out of the box.

Blue Microphones Announces Worlds First THX Certified Microphone, the Yeti USB Condenser Mic

Featuring condenser capsules in a triple array, Yeti is the latest, most advanced addition to Blues line of premium USB microphones

(Westlake Village, California –November 10, 2009) – Blue Microphones (, a leading innovator in microphone technology and design, announces Yeti, the first THX® Certified microphone. The latest addition to Blues new consumer line, the Yeti is the ultimate USB microphone for professional recording. The Yeti features:
· The first USB mic to offer Blues premium condenser capsules in a proprietary triple capsule array for the highest quality, most versatile audio recording capability
· After rigorous lab testing, THX certification affirms the ultimate in recording and playback fidelity thanks to superior design and quality
· Four patterns (Omni, Cardioid, Stereo, Bidirectional) for incredible versatility and superior results in any situation
· Studio quality performance and features, with zero latency, amplified headphone monitoring, microphone mute, and hardware-based gain adjustment

Yeti is the first microphone to offer the quality and range of versatility to produce the best quality recordings in a wide range of situations, including podcasts, vocals, live or event recording, interviews, broadcasts, instruments, bands and more.

"Blue Microphones recognizes THX as a benchmark within the industry for professional audio production and playback. We, are honored to be recognized as their first partner for audio input," says John Maier, CEO of Blue Microphones. "Blue strives to provide the highest quality sound for both professionals and consumers alike and we are proud to provide such recognized quality with the new Yeti, the worlds first THX Certified microphone."

Building upon the technology foundation established by the award-winning Snowball USB microphone, Yeti adds four distinct pattern modes, a zero-latency headphone output with volume control for direct monitoring, adjustable microphone gain control and a mute button. The Yetis angle can be adjusted on its custom-designed desk stand. Following suit with the rest of Blues desktop products, the Yeti features driverless installation and works with both PC and Mac.

"The THX Certified Yeti from Blue Microphones provides aspiring artists a recording solution that combines quality, usability and convenience for a wide range of audio applications," explains Matthew Chrispen, director of certification at THX. "THX testing and certification ensures the fidelity of the recording always remains true to its source, allowing artists to accurately capture voice-overs, interviews and other sound elements with confidence."

The Yeti, MSRP $149.99, will be available beginning December 2009, at Apple, CompUSA, Frys Electronics, Guitar Center, other fine pro-audio and consumer electronics retailers and online at For complete details,
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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Windows Truely Hidden Files

No. Enabling Windows Explorer to "show all files" does not show the files in mention. No. DOS does not
list the files after receiving a proper directory listing from root. And yes. Microsoft intentionally
disabled the "Find" utility from searching through one of the folders.

Oh, but thats not all.

To see for yourself simply do as you would normally do to clear your browsing history. Go to Internet
Options under your Control Panel. Click on the [Clear History] and [Delete Files] buttons. (Make sure
to include all offline content.)

So, has your browsing history been cleared? One would think so.

These are the names and locations of the "really hidden files":

c:windows empor~1content.ie5index.dat
If you have upgraded MSIE several times, they might have alternative names of mm256.dat and
mm2048.dat, and may also be located here:

c:windows empor~1
Not to mention the other alternative locations under:

c:windowsapplication data...
c:windowslocal settings...
c:windows emp...
c: emp...
(or as defined in your autoexec.bat.)

FYI, there are a couple other index.dat files that get hidden as well, but they are seemingly not very
important. See if you can find them.

1) Shut your computer down, and turn it back on.
2) While your computer is booting keep pressing the [F8] key until you are given an option screen.
3) Choose "Command Prompt Only" (This will take you to true DOS mode.) Windows ME users must use a boot
disk to get into real DOS mode.
4) When your computer is done booting, you will have a C:> followed by a blinking cursor.
Type this in, hitting enter after each line. (Obviously, dont type the comments in parentheses.)

C:WINDOWSSMARTDRV (Loads smartdrive to speed things up.)
DELTREE/Y TEMP (This line removes temporary files.)
DELTREE/Y COOKIES (This line removes cookies.)
DELTREE/Y TEMP (This removes temporary files.)
DELTREE/Y HISTORY (This line removes your browsing history.)
DELTREE/Y TEMPOR~1 (This line removes your internet cache.)

(If that last line doesnt work, then type this


(If that didnt work, then type this

If you have profiles turned on, then it is likely located under windowsprofiles\%user%, while older
versions of MSIE keep them under windowscontent.)

FYI, Windows re-creates the index.dat files automatically when you reboot your machine, so dont be
surprised when you see them again. They should at least be cleared of your browsing history.

It was once believed that the registry is the central database of Windows that stores and maintains the
OS configuration information. Well, this is wrong. Apparently, it also maintains a bunch of other
information that has absolutely nothing to do with the configuration. I wont get into the other
stuff, but for one, your typed URLs are stored in the registry.

HKEY_USERS/Default/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/TypedURLs/
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/TypedURLs/
These "Typed URLs" come from MSIEs autocomplete feature. It records all URLs that youve typed in manually
in order to save you some time filling out the address field.

As you may already know, deleting files only deletes the references to them. They are in fact still sitting
there on your HD and can still be recovered by a very motivated person.
Use window washer to delete slack files. /

The most important files to be paying attention to are your "index.dat" files. These are database files
that reference your history, cache and cookies. The first thing you should know is that the index.dat files
is that they dont exist in less you know they do. They second thing you should know about them is that
some will *not* get cleared after deleting your history and cache.

To view these files, follow these steps:

In MSIE 5.x, you can skip this first step by opening MSIE and going to Tools > Internet Options > [Settings] > [View Files].
Now write down the names of your alphanumeric folders on a piece of paper. If you cant see any alphanumeric
folders then start with step 1 here:

1) First, drop to a DOS box and type this at prompt (in all lower-case). It will bring up Windows Explorer
under the correct directory.

c:windowsexplorer /e,c:windows empor~1content.ie5
You see all those alphanumeric names listed under "content.ie5?" (left-hand side.) Thats Microsofts
idea of making this project as hard as possible. Actually, these are your alphanumeric folders that was
created to keep your cache. Write these names down on a piece of paper. (They should look something like
this: 6YQ2GSWF, QRM7KL3F, U7YHQKI4, 7YMZ516U, etc.) If you click on any of the alphanumeric folders then
nothing will be displayed. Not because there arent any files here, but because Windows Explorer has lied
to you. If you want to view the contents of these alphanumeric folders you will have to do so in DOS.

2) Then you must restart in MS-DOS mode. (Start > Shutdown > Restart in MS-DOS mode. ME users use a

Note that you must restart to DOS because windows has locked down some of the files and they can only be
accessed in real DOS mode.

3) Type this in at prompt:

CD %alphanumeric%
(replace the "%alphanumeric%" with the first name that you just wrote down.)

The cache files you are now looking at are directly responsible for the mysterious erosion of HD space
you may have been noticing.

5) Type this in:

You will be brought to a blue screen with a bunch of binary.

6) Press and hold the [Page Down] button until you start seeing lists of URLs. These are all the sites
that youve ever visited as well as a brief description of each. Youll notice it records everything
ouve searched for in a search engine in plain text, in addition to the URL.

7) When you get done searching around you can go to File > Exit. If you dont have mouse support in DOS
then use the [ALT] and arrow keys.

Next youll probably want to erase these files by typing this:

(replace "cdwindows" with the location of your TIF folder if different.)

9) Then check out the contents of your History folder by typing this:

You will be brought to a blue screen with more binary.

10) Press and hold the [Page Down] button until you start seeing lists of URLS again.

This is another database of the sites youve visited.

11) And if youre still with me, type this:

12) If you see any mmXXXX.dat files here then check them out (and delete them.) Then:

More URLs from your Internet history. Note, there are probably other mshist~x folders here so you can
repeat these steps for every occurrence if you please.

13) By now, youll probably want to type in this:


How does Microsoft make these folders/files invisible to DOS?

The only thing Microsoft had to do to make the folders/files invisible to a directory listing is to
set them +s[ystem]. Thats it.

So how does Microsoft make these folders/files invisible to Windows Explorer?

The "desktop.ini" is a standard text file that can be added to any folder to customize certain aspects of
the folders behavior. In these cases, Microsoft utilized the desktop.ini file to make these files
invisible. Invisible to Windows Explorer and even to the "Find: Files or Folders" utility. All that
Microsoft had to do was create a desktop.ini file with certain CLSID tags and the folders would disappear
like magic.

To show you exactly whats going on:

Found in the c:windows emporary internet filesdesktop.ini and
the c:windows emporary internet filescontent.ie5desktop.ini is this text:

Found in the c:windowshistorydesktop.ini and the c:windowshistoryhistory.ie5desktop.ini is this text:

The UICLSID line cloaks the folder in Windows Explorer. The CLSID line disables the "Find" utility
from searching through the folder.

To see for yourself, you can simply erase the desktop.ini files. Youll see that it will instantly give
Windows Explorer proper viewing functionality again, and the "Find" utility proper searching capabilities
again. Problem solved right? Actually, no. As it turns out, the desktop.ini files get reconstructed every
single time you restart your computer. Nice one, Slick.

Luckily there is a loophole which will keep Windows from hiding these folders. You can manually edit the
desktop.inis and remove everything except for the "[.ShellClassInfo]" line. This will trick windows into
thinking they have still covered their tracks, and wininet wont think to reconstruct them.

DOS = Disk Operating System, or MS-DOS
MSIE = Microsoft Internet Explorer
TIF = Temporary Internet Files (folder)
HD = Hard Drive
OS = Operating System
FYI = For Your Information

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Camera Size Compare the size of digital cameras

Thinking of buying a digital camera for your next vacation? Here is a online service that will help you easily view the different sizes of cameras. While many tools exist to compare technical characteristics, Camera Size lets you know the size of each camera.
camera size comparison

Camera Size is a user-friendly web application that displays the exact dimensions of digital cameras to better compare. Operation is easy, just choose the two cameras that you want to compare from the drop-down list, and you’ll get the photo and the size of each camera.
sidebar camera size

The menu on the left sidebar allows you to choose the orientation of the camera (on supported models). You can rotate the camera left, right, top, front or back.

At the right side you can see an image of a regular AA Battery, which gives you an option to visualize the size of the camera. If that’s not enough, you can initialize a helper image of an average human male hand by clicking on the “Show hand”. You can drag this image around and position it under each camera and better visualize the size of the camera.

camera size comparison tool.

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Care but Not too Much!

For proper operation of the computer is always better to be cautious. But how? Now well see.

Rule # 1) Create a restore point often if you have Windows XP.
To do this you click on Help and Support from the Start menu.
From the page that appears, you must select Restore wizard. From the window that appears you should put a check mark on Create a restore point, go ahead, enter the date of the day when the operation is performed and select Create
At this point, Windows will restart automatically.
But what good is this restore point?
Used to restore your computer to the date of last reset in case of malfunction.
To return the system to the creation date of the last restore point you have to follow the same procedure, but you have to put a check mark on a voice Restore the previous state of the computer, go ahead and select a date.
To undo the last restore point but we need to tick undo the last restore and move on.

Rule No. 2
) Create a boot floppy MS-DOS.
If Windows will not boot a bootable floppy MS-DOS can often repair the damage.
How to create it?
Insert a blank floppy disk Into player.
Open My Computer and right click the icon for the A: , and from the menu that appears seezionare voice format.
Whether this is enough to put a check mark on Create MS-DOS boot disk and start creating.
The f.disk boot MS-DOS was created.
But how to operate if windows will not start?
Turn off the computer, insert the floppy and reboot created. If Quach warning appears to confirm.
At this point it is open to DOS.
Writing with the keyboard C: and press ENTER.
At this point press enter and then type win.
If nothing happens you have to type exit and re-press the enter key.
At this point you should restart Windows. If it does not mean that success will be something very serious.

Rule # 3) Run defragmentation, the page you explain that all that concerns it.
Rule No. 4) Run Scan Disk, which will reveal the errors and correct them with an option.
The Scan Disk is reached by going to My Computer, right-click the hard drive icon, move on the Tools tab and run it.
In some versions of Windows can be reached directly from Start / Programs / Accessories / System Tools / Disk Scan.

Rule # 5) Perform backups (optionally) before any formatting.
Buy a special program and saved the data obtained from the backup in a suitable storage medium (say zip drives, magnetic tape, etc..), Or a hard disk space that will not be interested in any formatting.
You do back up system, only one program etc.. The operation performed depends on the backup program you use and then you can not give more information.

Rule # 6) Update the virus.
If you have the Internet as you will read the page you can find explanations of harmful viruses
To avoid this you must update your anti-virus software frequently.
How to do it?
It depends by anti-virus you have

Rule # 7) slaughtered the system with an anti-spyware program.
Browsing the Internet surely penetrate many spyware on your computer, that is, programs that spy on all his actions a user.
Spyware can be removed with an anti-spyware.
This program, also freeware downloaded from the Internet, slaughtering the operating system by finding and deleting spyware in it.
If you have the Internet and you do not have an anti-spyware, Than install.
The removal of spyware program that depends on you own for eliminate them.

Rule # 8) Pay attention to the Banner
In many sites there are the usual banner inviting you to download ringtones, logos or content reserved for adults.
Never click on these banners, which may contain viruses, spyware, or, especially, and in most cases, you can shell out large shares of money that will be charged to the bill.

Rule # 9) Backup your registry.In many cases, even if a virus or other harmful material is deleted, the system still does not work well. This is because the malware modifies the system registry. So many times, before deleting the  virus from the following registry manufacturers the antivirus, you need to back up the system log. You have to go to Start / Run, type regedit, and confirm. Now go to File / Export and save the backup. To put it back in the registry in case of failure, I must follow the reverse procedure: File / Import.
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Monday, March 24, 2014

TP LINK TL WR2543ND 450Mbps Dual Band Wireless N Gigabit Router

TP-LINK TL-WR2543ND 450Mbps Dual-Band Wireless N Gigabit Router
  • Three advanced spatial streams reach a maximum wireless speed of up to 450Mbps
  • The less crowded 5GHz band delivers increase wireless stability allowing users to enjoy a high performance wireless experience
  • Versatile USB port allows users to share files, media and printers* with friends or family to access the stored data locally or through the Internet with FTP server functions.
  • With built-in gigabit Ethernet switch, TL-WR2543ND provides more powerful data processing abilities

With 450Mbps Dual Band Wireless combined with USB sharing for files, media, or printing* in addition to Gigabit ports, the TL-WR2543ND is the most robust networking foundation available, for work and play.


  • Achieves a maximum theoretical throughput of up to 450Mbps
  • Experience smoother video streaming and online gaming by choosing the clearer 5GHz band for wireless connections
  • USB 2.0 port convenient for network-connected users to share files through the device’s FTP server
  • Built-in media server allows users to share music, video and photos with Windows Media Player, PS3 or X-BOX 360
  • The device’s built-in print server supports wireless printing from different computers by connecting a USB printer to the router
  • Simple wireless security encryption at a push of the WPS button
  • WDS wireless bridge provides seamless bridging to expand the wireless network
  • IP-based bandwidth control allows administrators to determine how much bandwidth is allotted to each PC
  • Live Parental Controls allow parents or administrators to establish restricted access policies for children of staff
  • External detachable antennas allow for better alignment and stronger antenna upgrades

450Mbps Wireless Speed Experience Limitless Wireless
With three dual-band antennas, TL-WR2543ND generates a maximum theoretical wireless throughput of 450Mbps over the 2.4GHz or 5GHz channels utilizing a 3 X 3 Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) configuration. Compared with legacy 802.11n 300Mbps products, the router has the speed to provide advanced and stable 450Mbps wireless connections, allowing users to benefit from the full potential of their wireless networks.

5GHz Connections Increased Stability and Performance
With the proliferation of devices working over 2.4GHz, wireless interruption has become increasingly obtrusive to wireless connections; from cordless phones, microwaves, automatic garage door openers, and dont forget neighboring wireless networks, this channel has become somewhat crowded.

TL-WR2543ND supports the establishment of a 5GHZ wireless connection for home networks at 450Mbps, transmitting data on the less crowded 5GHz band to avoid interference, to offer significantly improved wireless stability and overall performance.

Multi-Function USB Port
Sharing a Printer with Multiple Computers

It is no secret that printers are often difficult to use, simply because a computer often must be connected directly to it in order to print. With the TL-WR2543ND, users need simply connect the USB printer to the USB port on the back of the router and run the Printer Setup Wizard to access the printer to wireless print from anywhere in the home or office, from multiple devices.

Share Files & Media, at Home & Away

TL-WR2543ND allows users to attach a range of USB storage devices directly to the router, making it easy and conveniently for users to access their data locally or through the Internet with FTP server functions.

A built-in Media Server lets users share music, videos, and photos with the media player on their PCs, X-BOX 360s, PS3s and other compatible devices.

Gigabit Ports  Incredible Bandwidth
With built-in gigabit Ethernet switch, TL-WR2543ND provides more powerful data processing abilities, eliminating bottlenecks in transferring speed between megabit wired and 11n wireless connections. Meanwhile, everything users do will be faster and more efficient, thus allowing for larger file sharing, such as high definition video, in minutes instead of hours.

IP QoS  Control Your Bandwidth
Within the wireless network, indiscriminate Internet surfing and bandwidth-guzzling downloads by internal users often leave home or small offices with insufficient bandwidth for crucial tasks.
TL-WR2543ND supports IP QoS (Quality of Service), allowing optimum utilization of bandwidth and offering bandwidth control over congestion, preventing bandwidth abuse. In this way, users of a small network receive committed and specific bandwidth, preventing non-critical applications from degrading network performance.

One Button Security Setup
Compatible with Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ (WPS), TL-WR2543ND features Quick Security Setup that allows users to almost instantly setup their security simply by pressing the WPS button on the router and automatically establishing a WPA2 secure connection, which is more secure when compared with WEP encryptions.
Not only is this faster than normal security setups but more convenient in that users needn’t remember a password!

Easy to Use
The device comes with a CD featuring an Easy Setup Assistant that leads users through the setup process step-by-step, and even helps with wireless network settings and security configurations. With setups this easy, even novice users can have their networks up and running in mere minutes.
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